Journal Articles

“The Centerpiece of College Athletics:” Prioritizing Education in the College Sports Reform Movement – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 2022, 15(1): 28-51.

This article, which is based upon long-term fieldwork observations of a revenue- generating National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I women’s college basketball team, proposes concrete and specific reforms that would more sufficiently compensate the professional role revenue-generating college athletes… Read More »“The Centerpiece of College Athletics:” Prioritizing Education in the College Sports Reform Movement – Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 2022, 15(1): 28-51.

“Corporal Punishment in Japan: One Path to Positive Anthropological Activism”

This article, which was peer reviewed and published in the journal Anthropology in Action, is about the controversial educational practice of corporal punishment –known as taibatsu in Japan – which challenged me to reflect upon my anthropological “heart”, and find my identity… Read More »“Corporal Punishment in Japan: One Path to Positive Anthropological Activism”

“Foucauldian theory and the making of the Japanese sporting body”

This article was published in the journal Contemporary Japan, in 2016.  Abstract: International sporting competitions, such as the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, adhere to a nationalistic and triumphalist paradigm in which strength, victories, and medals are judged more important than… Read More »“Foucauldian theory and the making of the Japanese sporting body”

To Discipline or Accommodate? On the Rehabilitation of Japanese ‘Problem Youth’

While mainstream education has received ample attention from scholars of Japan, the diverse kinds of private institutions concerned with the rehabilitation of so-called ‘problem youth’ have not hitherto been subjected to systematic analysis. This article offers an in-depth study of two starkly contrasting… Read More »To Discipline or Accommodate? On the Rehabilitation of Japanese ‘Problem Youth’

International Trends in Corporal Punishment Research

国連総会で採択された「児童の権利に関する条約」の第19条では、「すべての肉体的、精神的な暴力」から子供を守る事を各国に呼びかけている。しかし、2008年の時点でこの国際条約に従って家庭内における体罰を禁止している国は23ヶ国にすぎない. 一方、学校など教育現場における体罰を禁止している国は多数あり、2008年には日本を含む106カ国で公共施設における体罰を禁止する法律が存在するが、これらの多くは過去数十年間のうちに制定されたものである。この事から、多くの国では体罰が家庭における教育の手段としていまだに広く用いられている一方、学校においては国際的にも体罰が禁止される傾向にあるといえる。 Read more here. Read the entire special issue of the journal here.

Taibatsu: ‘Corporal Punishment’ in Japanese Socio-Cultural Context

This article grounds perceptions and perspectives of taibatsu  (‘corporal punishment’) in the Japanese socio-cultural context in order to better understand why and how it is used in schools and sports. By discussing how people define taibatsu and the various perspectives from which they decide… Read More »Taibatsu: ‘Corporal Punishment’ in Japanese Socio-Cultural Context